The Future 46 images Created 26 Apr 2020
The change of going from working full-time for 44 years and then you come to a full stop, I think it has a bigger impact than I thought it would. I think redefining myself is still a work in progress
What was difficult to grapple with was the lack of structure that came about when I retired. That's something that I didn't envision being a problem. I think it continues to be a bit of a struggle to figure out the routine of daily life. What does our life look like each week when you don't have a Monday through Friday work schedule and kind of a cadence and a normal routine that goes with that. I have plenty of things that I'm interested in doing and that I'm working on, but a routine I think that's the one thing that's probably the most frustrating about retirement for me.
I don't like to look too far out in terms of the future, I think it's futile number one and it can be scary. I think the scary things about the future for me have to do with health related issues. What is it going to be like? Am I going to have some condition that is really going to impact my life?
I don't have a fear of dying, but I do have a fear of suffering. And so I choose not to dwell on that. I have enough anxiousness about tomorrow,
It's kind of the blessing and the curse of this culture, we've created a great country and a great economy, but it's come at a cost I think.
Take Tunisia for example they are a very family oriented culture. And there are virtually no homeless people in Tunisia because if you don't have a job, you're staying with somebody in your family. That's just what they do. They just take care of each other. And there's more of a sense of the collective than we have here, we are more of an independent mind and pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of place.
What was difficult to grapple with was the lack of structure that came about when I retired. That's something that I didn't envision being a problem. I think it continues to be a bit of a struggle to figure out the routine of daily life. What does our life look like each week when you don't have a Monday through Friday work schedule and kind of a cadence and a normal routine that goes with that. I have plenty of things that I'm interested in doing and that I'm working on, but a routine I think that's the one thing that's probably the most frustrating about retirement for me.
I don't like to look too far out in terms of the future, I think it's futile number one and it can be scary. I think the scary things about the future for me have to do with health related issues. What is it going to be like? Am I going to have some condition that is really going to impact my life?
I don't have a fear of dying, but I do have a fear of suffering. And so I choose not to dwell on that. I have enough anxiousness about tomorrow,
It's kind of the blessing and the curse of this culture, we've created a great country and a great economy, but it's come at a cost I think.
Take Tunisia for example they are a very family oriented culture. And there are virtually no homeless people in Tunisia because if you don't have a job, you're staying with somebody in your family. That's just what they do. They just take care of each other. And there's more of a sense of the collective than we have here, we are more of an independent mind and pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of place.