Glen E. August 2020
I'm a teacher at a high school in the Bronx. I teach fine arts and graphic design.
I love teaching and I miss my students a lot. This is just an insane year, I can't wait for this to be over. These poor kids, all these years they are so excited and then they don’t even have a prom.
We had a meeting about two weeks ago about how school is planned for the fall. And it's a very strange schedule. Half the students will be at home during the class, half the students will be in school. So I'll be teaching the two at the same time from the classroom. Every other day it switches.
When you teach graphic design you're using software that no student has on their computers at home. The students at home don't necessarily have good computers or they share one screen for multiple family members
I don't get it. I'm not sure how this is going to work. I don't quite understand how it's a good idea.
I’m also a freelance book designer to supplement my income. I've been designing books for 35 years and when the virus came I thought that business was going to die, but it was completely the opposite. I've never been busier in my life. It's amazing. Thank God for that.