Carl & Jane Z. June 2020
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Our daughter Sam called and she said, “ There's this COVID thing and you’re elderly and you really should not be going out and doing anything.”
And I'm like, “what are you talking about?” I was kind of arguing with her, “we may be in that age group, but we're really healthy and we're fine and we've got tickets for a Broadway show on Saturday.”
“Well, you can't go!” And I'm like, “what are you talking about?” It was tickets to West Side Story. We’ve been waiting a long time and I'm not, not going to the show.
A couple days later on the way to the show the phone rings and it's Sam. And she's like, “What did you decide?” And I said, “well, we're on Broadway on our way to the play.”
And she was just throwing her hands up in the air on the phone. “How could you make such a stupid decision?” It was March 7th, the show was packed. There was not an empty seat in the house.
By that Thursday Broadway was shut down and we were like, “Oh my God, Sam's right. This is really serious.”
Since then our son, our 103 year old mother and our 73 year old sister-in-law sister have all had it and survived. We've been really fortunate.