Beth K. January 2021
I saw like a 90% drop-off in revenue so it's not great but I also know a lot of people in my line of work where it’s more of a question of how they are going to feed themselves this week, which is something I personally have not had to experience. I'm very grateful.
What I get out of working as a wedding planner that I didn't necessarily get working as a journalist is, and this sounds a little grimy to say, but it’s just such beautiful validation at the end of the night. You know, I get to witness joy again and again and again.
And to be a part of that in such a real way really means a lot to me and it's something that, now that I'm in month nine of the pandemic, I never knew I would miss so much. I didn't know it was such a part of who I am as a person, and as a person, not just as a professional, but as a human being.
My bucket list for this year…I’d like to go to a bar with my husband, oh my God, maybe a movie theater…Ooh, turn my head, I can't even imagine…I’d like to hug my mom this year.