Keith R. December 2020
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I was an audio visual technician. That came to a grinding halt in March. Since then I have been furloughed.
The one positive side is more time for family. We are extreme Halloween people. We are that house. Every neighborhood has one. We have skeletons on slides, skeletons on see-saws. This year we added a 12 foot giant skeleton to the yard and everybody absolutely loved it.
I look at families that have gone through much worse than I have and it breaks my heart. I consider myself lucky to have what I have. And I know that people are still suffering and are on the verge of losing cars, on the verge of losing houses.
I have had unemployment in some way, shape or form since the beginning of April and I'm a 100% disabled veteran. So I have sources of income coming in, but it's not enough. I still have another three months of mortgage forgiveness left. After that it's going to be a struggle.
We're going through the worst economic shutdown in the history of our industry. I want to have our stories told and help people understand what we're going through as an industry. All of us love what we do and have spent decades doing it. We're not going to just shift to another job.