Jeremy A. February 2021
I work in the entertainment industry. I am behind the stage. You never see me, but I'm there more hours than you could possibly imagine. I think the story needs to keep being told, you know, we're not behind the scenes anymore. We're right here with everybody else and we need to tell our story.
We came through one of our busiest years on record and then the brakes just hit. We were doing a big insurance conference in Washington, DC, 10 o'clock at night I walk into the hotel room and the client calls. They're canceling the whole event. This was the 1st of March. By the time I got home, an eight hour plus drive, I mean, it was just like cancellation, cancellation, cancellation. 75% of our events had been canceled in one day. I mean the phone was ringing constantly.
It's been a it’s been a tough ride. My wife works in the events industry too. She's a freelancer. And I brought in my now 22 year old son last year. So he's in the same boat. You know, we've got a household of…this is what we do.
I'm the number one breadwinner right now. My wife's not working. My son gets some odd jobs from time to time but he's just kind of waiting, waiting like everybody else…. we're all just waiting.